Monday, June 29, 2009

64th email from France (the Bureau)

Hey Everyone, Sorry I didn’t write back Thursday. Actually what happened was we only had one hour before going to president’s house so we decided to take advantage of the soldes. Remember the big sales that are twice a year? They just started last week. We also went this morning- so far I haven’t found that much stuff I had to have, just a few ties and some really cool cuff links.This week was really good. It went by fast; first off do you know I’m on my eleventh transfer! I have a nice stack of planners on my desk I’m pretty proud of. It’s amazing how fast time flies by. Our sports day at President’s was really fun and ended up being pretty relaxing also. We all played volleyball and ping pong also some other random games. Everyone was doing their own thing then we all ate together, a big barbecue with hamburgers and sausages. Thursday night I went with Elder Chlarson to Colomiers, a little town outside of Toulouse. We had a little exchange then we went to see their ami for the baptismal interview. It went really well and was pretty edifying for both of us. His baptism Saturday went really well, there was quite a few members that came. We also had an investigator that we met at the metro then walked to the chapel together so it was nice for him to come to church for the first time. Also this Sunday Denise and her family came to church for the first time since moving from Agen. They had come for one activity but never for a Sunday. This next week is going to be a little crazy also, it’s already super packed until Friday. We’re also taking a little trip down to Brive to help the elders move into another apartment so that should be fun. I’ve never been down to this part of the mission, also I have to go do all the car inspections at president’s house and that should take a few hours. Tomorrow morning I have our district meeting. I’m not that worried about it but I hope it goes well. I have it planned almost to the minute so nothing could go too wrong. I just don’t want it to be boring. I think motivation is one of the most important parts. I’m really looking to buy a suit. I tried on a few today that were 50 percent off but still I just haven’t found the right one. Also, I really need to buy shoes and a belt. I think I should have enough money on my card. It shouldn’t be that expensive, these soldes are really cool. I wish they would do this in America- it’s like going shopping and everything is on sale, not just the junky stuff no one wants. I just bought 3 thirty dollar ties for about five then some today twenty five euro cuff links for six.I hope your having a good time at home. Has Dad been calling a lot? That’s cool that Alex is doing so good in the mtc. I miss that place! It is really cool but also a lot different than what we’re doing here. It would be nice to go back for a few weeks for a little boost! Love y’all, Taylor

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