Monday, July 20, 2009

67th email from France (the Bureau)

Hey Everyone, So our week was really amazing! We did SO much cool stuff. You know how I was saying how tired I was last week? So we found the perfect solution...a huge road trip to help move in the couple missionary that came last week. Yeah, we were assigned to go all over France- over 2500 kilometers- and spend three days away from Toulouse. We were pretty busy working and moving things but it was very relaxing. It all started Tuesday morning with our réunion de district, which went very well. The assistants were also there and seemed to like it. Right after it was over I went to Tarbes which is about two hours away for an exchange, which was awesome. The next morning Elder Wright took the big truck and came to pick me up and we headed off to Pau, which is in the south west corner near the Pyrenees Mountains. After we had moved some things and filled up the car again we headed off to Aix en Provence where we had to meet with another missionary couple. Then we headed up into Gap, the one little city in our mission up in the Alps. It was a really nice drive up there through the mountains. That night we met with the family Giles and gave them all that we had collected over the day. But that wasn’t it because we still had a couch and bed in Antibes that we had to pick up and bring back to Gap the next day. We woke up early Thursday and headed back down to the Riviera. We got to see the Antibes chapel which is closed now since about a year and a half but is kind of a legend in our mission- not many have seen it. It’s a huge villa in a way nice neighborhood that was converted into a church. After picking up all that was there we hit the road again for Gap which took us almost all day to get back. We unloaded the bed and put it together with the help of the other missionaries serving there; then we’re back on the road again just trying to make it as close to Toulouse before nightfall. We ended up staying in Aix en Provence again then heading back to Toulouse Friday morning. It was amazing. Maybe the best part of it was the food! There are a few towns that are known for their specialties and we had to stop seeing as they were just "en route". First off was Castelnaudary where we ate the best casoulet ever- which is a pot with beans and meat mixed in. I had a duck leg and also a huge sausage then for the second big stop; a town near Gap called Sisterone where we ate les coté d'agneaux or lamb ribs from a really nice restaurant. Honestly, we kind of splurged spending over 85 Euros on two meals but they were both amazing so pretty much from Wednesday till Friday we took turns driving. On top of all that we had a really good week with teaching and finding people! We ended up having ten lessons that were all pretty good and Monday we found and taught someone that came to church yesterday! Me and Elder Wright were pretty excited about that.Your week sounded pretty good, too. I bet Arkansas was fun to see everyone and all. I was going to ask you if you saw Harry Potter. It came out here and everyone’s been kind of crazy about it. There was a girl from Vitrolles at church Sunday! It was cool talking to her about how everyone is doing. It made me really miss everyone there and now I’ve been thinking about them a lot. It’s been almost a year since I was there. Well, that’s about it. Oh, I’m glad Dad had a good time diving. The Red Sea seems cool! Say hey to everyone for me. Taylor

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